What a great astronomical discovery no James Webb

A black hole is a gravitational object that can’t even escape light, but it’s not always darkWe were able to observe the black hole by looking at the accretion disk around the black hole or the evidence of a strong x-ray injection or collision between the black hole and other objects

About 160,000 light-years away, VFTS 243 twin star system imagination The black circle on the right side of the black hole Next to our galaxy, a sleeping star-class black hole that does not work with the surrounding celestial bodies was first discovered in the LMC
Dr. Marie-Curie Fellow of the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Dr. Tomer Schenar, published in Nature Astronomy the results of the discovery of a star-class dormant black hole in the binary VFTS 243 of the Tarantula Nebula, about 160,000 light years from Earth

The newly discovered black hole is a dormant black hole that emits only energy that is so weak that it can’t be seen or seen that it orbits a hot, blue star that is at least nine times the mass of the sun and 25 times the mass of the sun

An interesting story derived from this

There’s a lot of black holes in the universe that’s hard to see, and there’s probably a lot more, and there’s a massive celestial body like this around, so if you can infer it, you just have a black hole in the middle of the void, and a probe passes by

So far, we’ve learned in textbooks that a heavy star causes a supernova explosion and then becomes a neutron star or a black hole

Unlike the supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy, the star-class black hole is formed by a large star exploding into a supernova in the final stage of evolution, and the VFTS 243 black hole is formed by a large star 20 times the mass of the sun blowing away most of the material and collapsing without explosion
The orbit of the companion star has maintained a nearly perfect circle shape, which was suggested as evidence that there was no explosion

That means that textbooks will change soon

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