A webtoon competition will be held with AI pictures.

image text translation

(1)Ai Comics Contest
(2)The title of the first AI-toon writer.
(3)A chance to win!
(4)The general public, who is the creator of cartoons, can also participate.
(5)screening method
(6)Please pay a lot of attention to the 2023 AI Comics Community Open Contest.Number of post recommendations 30
(7)○ Internal and external examiners 70
(8)Up to 23 people, excluding short comics and comics created using AI, will receive a total prize of 3 million won for copyright registration.
(9)접수 Receipt period 202302001-2023 03 12
(10)One person who supports copyright registration of KRW 1 million ○ Within 30 days from the number of days of individual contact only for announcement and winners of the announcement site.
(11)One person who supports copyright registration for 700,000 won for the grand prize.
(12)Qualification for applying for cultural gift certificates worth 50,000 won for one person for copyright registration of 300,000 won for excellence award.
(13)Anyone aged 014 or older can do it.
(14)If you do not participate in the contest or if you do not have a work that meets the level, you can award only a part of it or not. Yes, only one person was killed.
(15)신인 New and established writers can apply to individual teams.
(16)○ There is no hand-made limit to the entry

I heard that there will be a webtoon contest with AI drawings, but I think it’s enough.

If you look at the pictures below, it is an image drawn by ai following the style of painting by an artist ratata74, and it is possible to distinguish between speech balloons and compartments with internal functions, and a webtoon with a little modification.

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image text translation

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