The happiest moment after naturalization in Korea.jpg

image text translation

(1)I just went to a PC room
(2)I was smoking
(3)In PC rooms, there’s a smoking room
(4)I was smoking there and my brother in his early 30s came next to me
(5)About five high school students are coming!
(6)He was right next to me
(7)Excuse me, are you a student
(8)What are they doing in the smoking room
(9)When I see high school students in the smoking room
(10)I can just tell you to turn it off
(11)I liked that power
(12)Five years later, I was in the smoking room at the PC room
(13)Three of them came in and looked at me
(14)He was smoking
(15)That’s why I asked!
(16)Excuse me, are you a student
(17)He was trying to talk in English
(18)We’re high school students
(19)Then what are you doing
(20)I said I want to die
(21)Wow, that really made me feel so good
(22)I became a Korean now


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