Hyunjin Bae
Bae Hyun-jin’s current status ㅎㄷㄷ
https://www.youtube.com/embed/elpxNqNbyMk Hong Jun-pyo’s prophecy haha
Bae Hyun-jin speaks informally
Get in, get in! what what what? Those are the ones I picked They are fucking traitors and traitors. What …
Smoking Gun) Bae Hyun-jin Gao, did you give him a dog? lol
https://www.youtube.com/embed/sJJ4nRe_ILk National Twins one-tier Ryu Ho-jeong holds it, so new one-tier Bae Hyun-jin takes it. But if the government officials …
Bae Hyun-jin and Kim Jeong-sook never said anything about the cost of in-flight meals, but it’s comical.
It was like this This is ridiculous.
Taken by Bae Hyun-jin Legend
Self-indulgence, abuse of power, truth, loss of morals, two-leggedness, naeronambul, ridicule of 1 hit and 3 blood, mental victory