image text translation
(1)It’s real cheese.
(2)There’s this and that in front of me today.
(1)It’s Korean ramen.image text translation
(1)He likes Korean ramen.image text translation
(1)I love it! I love Korea.image text translation
(1)Real cheese.image text translation
(2)I’m so curious about these three things.
(1)I already love Korea.image text translation
(1)I wanted to see the Korean fans, so C.image text translation
(1)I want to go to Korea.image text translation
(2)I miss everyone.
(1)Meeting in Korea.image text translation
(2)I want to make a chance to meet our fans.
(1)If there’s any ramen that you want EXO-L to eat, please leave a comment.image text translation
Chiba Erii from Produce 48