A 23-year-old girlfriend who wants to get married

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(1)I’ve been raising love for 1723 days

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(1)still wanting to get married

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(1)After 123 days of dating
(2)a girlfriend who wants to marry ♥ a difficult boyfriend
(3)It’s been four months since we met
(4)A girlfriend who wants to marry a boyfriend

My boyfriend is working at a hair salon

a situation in which one thinks marriage is too early because of practical problems

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(1)After 123 days of dating
(2)a girlfriend who wants to marry ♥ a difficult boyfriend
(3)I want to do it when I can afford it

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(1)After 123 days of dating
(2)a girlfriend who wants to marry ♥ a difficult boyfriend
(3)Junmin is an intern at a hair salon

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(1)After 123 days of dating
(2)a girlfriend who wants to marry ♥ a difficult boyfriend
(3)About four months

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(1)After 123 days of dating
(2)a girlfriend who wants to marry someone
(4)It’s a good time

Seo Janghoon is attacking with facts

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(1)After 123 days of dating
(2)a girlfriend who wants to marry ♥ a difficult boyfriend
(3)Your chances of getting married are zero

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(1)After 123 days of dating
(2)a girlfriend who wants to marry someone
(3)Until now, Junmin

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(1)It’s the beginning of our relationship
(2)Every time we meet, we care a lot

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(1)I would’ve tried hard to show only good things

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(1)After 123 days of dating
(2)a girlfriend who wants to marry ♥ a difficult boyfriend
(3)I want to show you
(4)I’ve only seen cool things

What a factual attack on a couple who’s been bullied lol

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