(1)A few years ago, on a show, he was talking about schizophreniaimage text translation
(2)The host was just explaining about schizophrenia, and he asked one of the audience a few questions about it from the perspective of a schizophrenic patient
(3)He is married to his wife and has been working for three years
(4)It was creepy to hear the host say it
(5)You’re not married, you’re not living with your wife, she’s the third time she’s applied for a ban and you think you have a habit of walking in the park during the day, and you’re a psychiatrist and have severe schizophrenia, so you need to get treated quickly
(6)He laughed it off, but he got angry because the host kept pushing him. He said it was too much
(7)So the host says this is how you react when you tell schizophrenics that you’re a patient, when the world you know is completely denied
(8)I was so scared that I couldn’t sleep