People are okay, but what if they don’t have a good style

image text translation

(1)3 days of flirting
(2)Woori Bank!!!!ililll
(3)I’m okay with people, but the style is
(4)What if it’s not good
(5)I recently went on a blind date with a woman in her early and mid-30s, and the person is okay, but the overall style looks so frugal
(6)Louis Cardinals bag that looks a bit worn out
(7)Lacoste sneakers ankle socks
(8)And 5 years ago, Galaxy smartphones
(9)It’s not that the brand is important. People who wear it well look pretty in SPA brands, but it was like a student who wears it as her mother buys it
(10)You have a good appearance and personality, but you don’t have a lot of charms because of your style


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